February Guadalupe River Fishing Report
February continued to provide quality fly fishing opportunities for trout on the lower Guadalupe. For most of the month flows remained between 75-90 cfs making fish easy to spot, a little spooky, and concentrated in the likely areas.
Trico and blue-winged olives have been consistent and on the warmer days we have started seeing some slate drakes, hexagenia, and caddis. The sucker fish spawn peaked mid-month making salmon eggs a in yellow and orange a good choice.
Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited’s Troutfest brought flocks of people to Lazy L and L Campground to hear a great group of speakers headlined by Flip Pallot and to visit with an array of fly fishing vendors from all over the country.
GO had the privilege to once again work with Project Healing Waters and spend 2 days on the water with 6 incredible veterans. Project Healing Waters is an organization that does a lot for very deserving veterans. If you are interested in donating or volunteering please check out their website, http://www.projecthealingwaters.org.
Guide Choice Flies
Warmer spring temperatures typically bring out some bigger bugs which can really get fish active and break their winter monotony of seeing mostly tricos and midges. Some flies to consider in March are:
Mckee’s Rubber Legs
GTI Caddis Olive, Cream Sz. 12,14
Lawson’s Caddis Emerger Olive, Tan Sz. 16
Z-Wing Caddis Amber, Olive Sz. 16
Mercury RS-2 Gray Sz. 18-20
Mercury Baetis Sz. 18-20
WD-40 Olive, Gray, Black Sz. 18-22
Hare’s Ear Sz. 16-18
Squirrel Nymph Sz. 14-16
Note: Late in the season trout start to pick-up on bead head nymphs. Try a nymph without a bead and pinch on a little more shot.
Images from our Project Healing Waters trip.
March on the Guadalupe River
In March, GO’s primary focus will continue to be the quality trout opportunities on the Lower Guadalupe which should continue through the month and likely into April. With warmer temperatures, we will also begin scouting sections on the upper Guadalupe, San Marcos, and Llano rivers for bass. If we get some spring rains the Pecos and Frio rivers may also become great options.
Don’t forget GO Outside Expedition Company has expanded its trip opportunities to overnight/multi day trips on remote sections of rivers throughout the Hill Country. The cooler temperatures and spring rains provide the necessary flows and camping conditions to enjoy some of these waters. Please click the link below for more information.