January Guadalupe River Fishing Report
January brought us snow, sleet, sunshine and brown trout on the lower Guadalupe. One thing that was consistent was the fishing. Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited did a second rainbow stocking and the first brown trout stocking of the year. The trout this season are noticeably larger than in the past. Quantity of fish caught may be slightly down but the quality of fish is certainly up. The average fish size seems to be around 18” with consistent landings of 20”+ fish.
Guide Choice Flies
Mckees Rubber Legs have been a consistent attractor
RS2 Emergers: Size 18-22 Black and Olive
Sparkle Wing RS2 Emergers: Size 18-22. Gray, Black, and Olive
Zebra Midge: Size 20-22. Black
Magic Fly (BWO and Trico): size 20-22
Purple Psycho Prince: Size 16-18
Lawson’s Caddis Emerger: Size 16-18. Tan
Matt Bennett’s Lunch and Brunch Money’s are good streamer options for the browns and an occasional rainbow.
Note: We anticipate the sucker fish spawn to happen any day which means there will be a couple week period that salmon eggs will be a productive fly to have on your rig.
The Guadalupe River Flows
The Guadalupe River has maintained a consistent flow in the mid to upper 80’s cfs. Water clarity is particularly good on most days making sight casting to fish common but also making the fish a little spooky. Stealthy approaches are necessary.
Quality trout fishing on the lower Guadalupe river doesn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon. February will be a great month to get on the water and certainly into early March.

Trout Fest Feb. 17th and 18th
Don’t forget that February is GRTU Troutfest month. Support and celebrate the local Trout Unlimited chapter February 17th and 18th at Lazy L and L Campground. Experience great speakers like, Flip Pallot, fly tying and casting instruction, and fly fishing vendors from all over the country.